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Gupta, Skandagupta, gold Dinar.

Gupta, Skandagupta (c.455-467), gold Dinar, heavy Archer type, nimbate king standing left, holding bow and arrow, Brahmi legend Skanda under arm, and further legend right, Garuda on stand left, rev. Lakshmi facing, seated on lotus and holding diadem, tamga in left field, kramaditya, right, 8.98g (Allan 424 ff, pl.XIX. 10-13; Mitchener ACW 4865). An impressive large and broad strike on a full flan, good very fine.

The obverse legend for this series is enigmatic but Allan tentatively suggests Parahitakari raja jayati divam Sri-Kramadityah, "The king Sri-Kramadityah, the benefactor of others, wins heaven."


What makes a coin valuable?

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I have coins to sell, what’s the next step?

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How will my purchases be shipped?

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What happens if I’m not entirely happy with my purchase?

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